Sleep DownUnder 2025

Poster Presentation Guidelines

Guide for Preparation of Posters

Posters at Sleep DownUnder 2025 will be in the format of either a poster discussion or poster viewing. All posters will be on display throughout the conference in exhibition hall

  • Poster discussions - During your scheduled timeslot in your assigned room, you'll have 3 minutes for your presentation, followed by a 2-minute Q&A session. It is also suggested that you prepare a short slideshow to accompany your presentation, with 3 to 4 slides maximum (1 slide per minute). Afterwards, in the last 15 to 30 minutes of the 90-minute session, session attendees will have the opportunity to view all the posters in the poster hall from that session. It is expected that you'll be available at your poster during this time for further discussion.
  • Poster viewing - Posters will be on display throughout the conference in the exhibition hall. However, it's expected that you'll be available at your poster during the designated time for informal discussions with conference attendees.

Posters should be self-explanatory, so that you are free to supplement and discuss particular points raised by viewers. Remember that your material/illustrations will be viewed from distances of one metre or more. Lettering should be as large as possible and preferably in bold type. 

Simplicity is the key:

  • brief captions
  • tables that are few in number but clear
  • succinct text, with large font
  • clear, legible figures

Each poster is limited in size to 1186mm high x 900mm wide. Portrait orientation is required. Nothing larger can be accommodated.

Poster boards will be Velcro compatible. Please bring the hook side of Velcro with you to attach your poster to the board.

Poster board numbers will be emailed in early October.

Abstract Publication
Please note that acceptance of your abstract is taken as confirmation of your agreement to have your abstract published in the conference proceedings and the conference app.

Abstract Withdrawal Policy
If you decide to withdraw your abstract, please let us know as soon as possible so that the program can be adjusted accordingly. Final date to withdraw abstracts is 18 August 2025. To view the abstract withdrawal policy, click here

All presenting authors (oral and poster) must register and pay to attend the Meeting by 29 August 2025, to be included in the abstract publication and conference app. Otherwise we regret that your presentation will have to be removed from the program.

Student registration: 
If Students must submit a letter from their supervisor defining their student status and include a copy of their current student card when registering for the conference. On registration, students will be asked to email this documentation to

Further Information 
If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact