The deadline for submissions is 8:00pm AEST, 30 May 2025.
Any abstracts submitted past this date will unfortunately not be considered.
Call for Abstracts
Original abstracts are invited on any aspect of sleep health and sleep science. Both oral and poster presentations are welcome.
All accepted abstracts will be published in a special abstract supplement of the Journal of the SLEEP Advances.
The deadline for submissions is 30 May 2025.
Any abstracts submitted past this date will unfortunately not be considered.
Abstracts are limited to 250 words.
For Advanced Trainees, please click here for further information.
To view the abstract withdrawal policy click here.
After reading the submission information click below to submit an abstract
Advanced Trainee Abstract Submission Portal
How to use the online abstract submission system
Important Information
Abstracts must be submitted in plain text. Tables, figures, symbols etc. will NOT be accepted.
If you are submitting more than one abstract, you can use the same email address and password for each abstract. Abstracts are required for all papers and posters. Abstracts MUST be submitted via the abstract portal.
Abstracts will not be accepted if they contain data which have been previously published in manuscript form prior to abstract submission.
Work that has previously been presented at other conferences and published as a supplement in the last 12 months prior to submission date (i.e. since 2nd June 2024) may be submitted, however, abstracts will not be published in SDU conference proceedings to avoid infringing copyright.
Preparation of Your Abstract
Reviewers will be blinded as to the identifying features of an abstract during the selection process, for example, institution where research took place, authors or their place of employment. ASA values blind review. Every effort is made to eliminate any obvious conflicts of interest with reviewers.
No identifying features such as names of hospitals, medical schools, clinics or cities may be listed in the title or text of the abstract. Do not include the names of authors either. The names of authors and their affiliations (institutions) will be submitted on-line when you submit the abstract.
The title should be as brief as possible but long enough to indicate clearly the nature of the study. The title should be in initial capital/lower case, not all capitals. e.g. Clinical equipoise and potential clinical trial targets in sleep surgery: Census of ENT surgeons.
Abstracts should state briefly and clearly the purpose, methods, results and conclusions of the work.
The Submission Process
Log in to the submission system when your abstract is completed and ready to submit. To log in, enter your email address and the password you chose when you registered with the system.
When you click the “log in” button you will be taken to a screen and asked to add the contact details of the presenting author by clicking on the Update Contact Information tab along the top. Additional tabs will appear once the contact information has been completed.
Click on the Abstract Submission tab along the top. Please read the instructions on this screen carefully. Submitting an abstract is a multi-step process. Each of the tabs on the left-hand side of the page will bring up a step in the submission process that needs to be completed. Each step asks several questions.
All Steps: Some questions are marked “Required”. We cannot accept your abstract until these questions have been answered.
At any time in the process you can click the Save As Draft button to save your incomplete submission and return to it at a later time.
Final Step: If all required abstract submission fields have been completed you will have the option to submit your abstract at the bottom of the page. If there are any remaining fields or sections to complete you will only have the option to save your submission as a draft until they are completed. You must agree to the Terms and Conditions before you can proceed.
Amending a Submission
If you would like to amend your abstract submission please follow the below instructions:
Affirmation of original work
You be required to confirm that your submission is your own original work, all submissions may be assessed by plagiarism technology.
Withdrawing an Abstract
If you want to withdraw an abstract please contact the Meeting organisers by email or phone +64 9 360 1240 if calling within New Zealand, or 1800 193 405 if calling within Australia.
Application for Student Travel Awards and/or New Investigator Award
Every year ASA offer a number of awards associated with the Sleep DownUnder conference. For more information about these awards please click the relevant link below.
For more information on the New Investigator Award
For more information on the ASA Student Travel Award
All Speakers and Poster Presenters are required to be registered. Please register via the registration tab above.